Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Where's Zaidie?

Does anyfur know where Z-pup has gone?  We saw on the Book of Faces that he's not feeling well, and we were gonna come here and see what was in his Blog, but it's ...  gone? 


  1. His momma deleted it a long time ago.

  2. Sorry that you couldn't find your friend. But we would love to hear more from you, our fellow cocker spaniels! Sending lots of curious woofs, Joey and Chester.

    1. Woof, Chester and Joey! I mean to get here more often, but sometimes mommy and me have a hard time making this work. And, we're still spending lots of time at Dogster. We like your blog!! It's full of piccies! And food!!!

  3. Yep, his Momma deleted his blog when dey wents to Da Book of Faces... not sure why.

    1. His Dogster page is gone again, too. She had put it back up fur awhile. Not a new one, HQ acfurrily helped her retrieve the original, with his diaries and evfurrythng. And his name was back on my page, where he had given me rosies. That was nice. But it all gets to be too much fur her, I think.

  4. Crikey Hershey ..... I've missed you. How ya doin? I'm not here all that much now either. I think I saw you on the book of faces the other day but I wasn't sure if it was you. I'll have another look. Mum's eyes aren't too good and she can't spend a lot of time on the computer. It sure is good to see you!!

    1. Charlie!! Crikey, I miss you, too!! I only go to the Book of Faces when I'm summoned, mommy still doesn't understand it furry well. Dogster seems to be more our speed, BOL!! We're doing fine, today was Winkie's Barkday!

  5. Hi Hershey and Winkie!
    Wow, we just don't meet up like we used to do...sigh...

    Its too bad about Zaidie not having a blog anymore, or a Dogster page. I almost got to visit them in the fur once, but that fell through too:(

    I hope Winkie had a fine barkday!
    We check Dogster/Catster each day, but we do not do a whole lot there anymore either...its too much fur the dogretary to keep up with blogging & my Dogster/Catster things. If stuff wasn't so crippled there I think I would be there in a more active way.


    1. I guess the only way to keep up with Zaidie now is on that Book of faces. That's hard fur mommy. We do still spend lots of time at Dogster. The groups I play in are still active, but I sure miss being able to comment on my pals' diaries. I really ought to come here more, but mommy runs out of time!

      Winkie had a furrific Barkday! We got spawcial treats, and I'm playing with all his new squeakies! BOL!!!
